ECOI: As public development interventions expand in number, range and scope so has the demand from development planners, funding agencies and civil society organizations for periodic evaluations to ensure that the investments are resource-effective and meaningful to the communities. The adoption of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by UN and other organizations has given further impetus to this context.

The discipline of monitoring and evaluation has been constantly evolving, led by the shift in emphasis from outputs to outcomes and impacts, leading to newer concepts, theoretical advances and innovative practices drawing upon international and national experiences. ECOI will provide a platform for sharing the knowledge, research outcomes and best practices in the field of monitoring and evaluation for advocacy for furthering the role of quality evaluations in enhancing development results, and nurturing growth of evaluation capabilities. It is in this context that the idea of having a professional umbrella organisation is conceived.

Vision: To function as a professional community for promoting an evaluation culture in the country and foster policy making and program planning, driven by evidence based decision making  with focus on social equity, gender equality and sustainability.

Mission: To provide a platform for interactions and knowledge and experience sharing within evaluation community and other stakeholders in development to ensure that professionalism, quality and ethics permeate all evaluations and to make them utility oriented.

Objectives: The principal objectives of the ECOI are:

  • To promote an exchange of experiences and learning on evaluation methodologies to improve the supply of high quality, credible and useful evaluations
  • To contribute towards improving development effectiveness of programs and policies in India.
  • To contribute in formal capacity building and enhancement at various levels.
  • Advocacy to promote the demand for and practice of evaluation
  • To develop competencies synthesizing national and international practices.
  • To provide an opportunity to young professionals to hone their skills through participation and interactions